Thursday, November 10, 2016


meeeeehhhh... beginikah rasanya punya anak cewe yah.. banyak cerita - cerita mengejutkan waktu gw kecil, tapi tanpa disangka karma berbalik dengan cantiknya, sepertinya Pipi mirip bener sama gw waktu kecil deh.. A REBEL.

Mungkin one day gw bakal nostalgia cerita kisah - kisah gw semasa kecil yg bikin gw berasa ditampar dewi kwan im selama gw ngebesarin Pipi.. tp untung sekarang, long story short... pulang sekolah doi minta gw bacain buku, oke lah gw bacain buku bertubi - tubi banyak banget.. tapi gw ga suka banget doi bertingkah pas gw bacain, kalo emang ga bisa konsen n ikutin gw mending lah gausa baca, kalo cuman bisa ngerusak doang, gw tutup aja tu buku, bhaaaay... ehhh doi mala tereak - tereak.. gini deh mental anak yg uda dimanjain terus... gw cuekin baybeh.. eeeehhh dia makin lebay.. gw sentil lah... hufff... tiger mom ini uda elus elus dada mencoba sabar .. nangis bener lah doi daaaaaan.... ngomfooooolin sofaaa doongggssssss... maaaaaakkkkkkkkk.... kalah telak deh gw....

Semoga saja malam ini doi bobo ga pake drama, amin.

Musim gugur Barcelona 2016

HUFFFF... Minggu ini cuaca disini berubah drastis, dari minggu lalu yang gw masi sanggup leyeh - leyeh pake celana pendek sekarang tiba - tiba aja, BAMM!! derajat turun drastis dan langsung dingin semriwing coyyyy.. angin kenceng banget, pas jalan kaki, si Pipo beberapa kali hampir jatuh ditowel sama angin... Masa - masa begini juga bisa dibilang masa pasrah anak - anak sakit, virus disekolah uda berlomba lari - larian saling tebar pesona ke satu sama lain.. bener - bener kompak!

Baru aja minggu lalu Pipi sembuh batuk, jahh 2 hari ini si Pipo mulai lagi meler n upilan..

Jalanan uda mulai penuh sama daun-daun yang berguguran, kadang seneng rasanya kalo jalan ditumpukan daun gitu bisa bergaya skating, cuman tetep harus waspada sama ranjau taik guguk.. EMU boots juga uda keluar siap beraksi, yuuupiiiii... saat - saat gini gw lumayan seneng karena uda bisa mulai planning shopping lagi, buat black friday nihh yang upcoming di akhir bulan.. walau serem sih mikirin duit yg mesti dikluarin.. tapi perut ga bisa bohong, dan kaos kaki bolong juga ga bisa dipaksa pake deh..

Anyway, hari ini gw merasa produktif banget, halaaaaah* mungkin mood bagus gw dateng dari pagi.. anak- anak korporatif banget ke sekolah tanpa drama.. dan gw pas pulang bisa mulai beresin journals dan planner yang berceceran di apartment.. dan lumayan lah bisa planning dan nerding dengan damai, walo kalo dipikir - pikir masi ada aja kerjaan rumah lain yang numpuk.. plus Pipi combo ngompol diranjang 2 hari berturut - turut... never ending deh.. 

Meski uda tinggal di apartemen ini setahun lebih, renovasi dan beres-beres nya masi ga kelar-kelar.. gatau dari segi mana, mungkin karena kita males aja.. tapi asli kita keluarga hoarding abis,, kayanya susah banget buat let go of our stuff.. tp gw uda mulai berubah ala ala konmari... semoga aja berhasil decluttering, goalnya sih diakhir tahun ini uda bisa rapih,, cmn tergantung makhluk 1 lagi itu bisa diajak kerja sama pa kaga deh.. enough for my quick rant for now =D

Putting pieces together

Below, you will see some of my old posts from my other blogs, I've started some blogs many years ago but never actually able to keep up with it.. I am now trying to motivate myself more to really get into this and share my daily journey again with the world =).. I still have 1 more blog to clean up and I would like to include it in this blog too.. so stay tuned.. that one will be a bit hardcore cause it was the time when I was still single hahaha.. not much to say though, but it was pretty good to see what i actually wrote back in the days..

peace out

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

December 3, 2011


Today is my bf’s birthday yaaayy!!! He’s officially 27 years old now.. His first birthday spending it with me together cause last year we were still separated by contingents..
I should go to sleep, after threw him a surprise cake “the gypsi arm” .. Tomorrow I will make some serious asian dish.. LOL and of course the indonesian mi goreng, we believe that eating the fried noodle on the birthday will make the birthday person lives long like the noodle :)~~

December 2, 2011

I Feel Good....

To help others🙂
I just went home by metro from the nerd’s triangle.. Bought a pan (long bread) with me.. When I went out from the metro station, I saw an old man wearing entire working suit and kneeling on the cement aisle.. I walked pass him and a few metres after, I just turn around and walk back then give him my pan🙂
It feels sooooo good I can’t describe.. He’s really old thou, he should be retired already, or he might be 50ish but looks older cause of stressing too much..
The unemployement rate in spain is crazy.. Don’t know which one is right, a few months ago my dad told me that it was 20%, but a week ago a friend of mine told me that it increased by 40%.. HugEeeee… Still remember what my bf told me a story, about ppl who live and work just to pay their mortgage that they don’t even live on that house / apt anymore…
Also when my bf was searching for job on the internet, there were soooo many applicants, for example, a front officer job, 400 ppl applied.. Its just crazy…
I hope that everything will be fine soon..😦

November 30, 2011

P*** Scam !

What did I do wrong until I almost got scam again in here..
Well its kinda impossible to forget my experiences of got frauds, few times in states.. As a seller and a buyer.. Geez.. I don’t know what’s in these people mind using other’s money for their living, just pathetic..its either I’m too stupid or I’m too nice right? :p
Me and my boyfriend want to buy a dog for our apartment, I started to search on the internet. Suddenly there was an email saying that she wants to give away her puppies because she got promoted in her workplace.. Blabla.. I don’t really have a good feeling thou.. I’m just stay alert, cause at the beginning she said that we don’t have to pay anything till the dog arrived, just have to pay for the transportation as well since she’s located in “ireland”. I’m not even sure that person is a female anyway.. Lol.
I don’t really get too suspicious at first because she wrote me super long email saying how poor the puppies are and she also sent me pictures of them, of course I was touched.. Anyway, she said that she’s gonna send the dog earlier this morning..
The first email she sent to me this morning was saying that the puppy is already in the carrier company and waited for my transfer for the transportation.
Errr…what the hell?
First, how on earth did you leave your puppy on some strangers and you’re not sure when and how that puppy will be send.. I know right away from that moment that it was a scam😦 but I still replying her emails until I get the fake company invoice.. Saying that I have to pay online or transfer money.. No way.. I should say something more dramatic.. But my last email was just “have a nicer day scamming others”.
O**** p***.. :((

November 22, 2011

Love the Waterproof Boots, Hates the Umbrella

barcelona rains like heelllll… whoever likes the rain you’re most welcome to barcelona now.. around 13 degrees everyday..
i couldn’t able to wash any clothes, when i saw the sky is clear and sunny then i decided to do to laundry (yesterday), but then 5 min after i left my house to do groceries shopping then it started to rain.. all the housewives lets scream together.. kill us!!.
later at night.. my boyfriend came out with an interesting solution, put all the laundry in the bathroom, close the door, and turn on the heather then put it inside the bathroom for an hour.. do you think that will work?
this is interesting how different europe is than my country =)
another thing is that since most of the time i always driving in indonesia, so when it comes the rain, i don’t really mind about it.. take my flip flop and hop on to the car! but in here.. things work differently.. i have to walk everywhere.. you will be surprise how lazy indonesian ppl are when it comes to walking. lol..
since it’s autumn here and it gets pretty windy all the time, flipflop is a stupid idea to wear everyday.. my feet skin dries like chips and it froze like you’re inside the freezer for hours..
we bought a nice ‘pepe jeans london’ boots a month ago.. but i dont wanna wear it in rain.. my bf said  “why didn’t you wear that boots instead of flipflop??” i said.. “well my dear.. you will be surprised how women sacrifice for fashion”.
don’t even talk about umbrella.. i just hate it,.. when it blows away cause of the wind.. and how your skin scratched when opening the cheap umbrella.. i always count on my hoody..
so.. seeing my poor raining style.. my sister in law gave me a really nice waterproof plastic boots from decathlon.. hugs*.. which i wear everyday even it’s sunny =) .. you will never know when the rain will attack you right..


Another Slacking Day in Barcelona

But heeeyyyy I think I did a pretty good job feeling my day with stuff!! Facebooking, twittering, watching infotainment from youtube, gossiping, cooking, ironing, mini groceries shopping… Seee????😀
Worth to tell, I’m living in an old apartment building which has 4 floors without elevator of course.. It’s not just an ordinary stairs, it’s like you’re going up 8 floors because the turning stairs.. Oh well, I feel like its good exercise for me.. I just gained 1kg since I got here, so.. What a result!
But kinda shitty, today when I went to the minimart, I forgot to bring my cash, I just have to run up and down the stairs.. I call it “my bestfriend” in barcelona..
Sad story today, a friend of my boyfriend who has 2 children, sent him a msg today saying that his older son diagnosed with hyperactive syndrom and gonna need to go to neurologist.. I met those kid these past few weeks to teach them basic english, but they didn’t pay any attention or put any intention in learning, they just gone wild around.. I really feel bad for them.. I felt like, is it me who’s failing in teaching? The only word that they learnt from me probably just “be careful” cause I said that to them thousand times.. Well I wish all the best for them,, I believe that kid has a talent, beside good in throwing things, he can be a good baseball player, or.. Anything artistic🙂 don’t stop believing!!

November 17, 2011

2.42 AM.. GMT+1

It’s almost 3am but I still couldn’t sleep..
Good morning jakarta.. My friends were all getting ready to work in Indonesia..
It’s almost been 3 months living in barcelona.. I have the most fascinating days so far.. Struggling with the language barrier the change of whether.. Moreover, have to keep up the apartment clean and neat! (So not me).. That’s the difference by living in jkt and overseas.. You don’t have the luxurious of having your own maid.. Kinda good for myself who used to be super spoiled at home..
Another thing is that I have to walk everyday.. Kind of run sometimes cause of the rain and I just hate to use the umbrella.. Really big difference with what I’ve been through in jakarta.. Well of course don’t forget my best friend “the stairs”.. Will post up it’s picture soon.. A lil hint.. Watch *rec, a zombie movie originally from barcelona..
I’m inside the blanket now.. Almost couldn’t breath.. My bf’s mom will kill me if she knows that I’m typing2 on the bed.. Lol


Handphones Minded

I am a mobile phone freak!!!!
Yes yes I admit it.. I changed my phone at least once a year since I was 13 yrs old.. I used to have more than 2 phones as well, since in indo they have a cdma provider which is cheaper to call and the gsm phone for more multimedia stuff..
From the old flip ericsson, nokia, and now the world of blackberry.. Haven’t touch any iphone yet cause we don’t really have that many useful apps to be use in indonesia, so I’m satisfied enough with just having an itouch 4th gen..
Can’t really tell you how I lost 5 handphones in the past.. But oh boy.. The last blackberry changings was pretty awful for me too.. So apparently I bought my first bb gemini from t-mobile (colour black) which I decided to switch it into white colour like about 3 weeks after it.. Then.. I’m not really happy with it, don’t know what’s in my mind last time but I decided to get a sidekick.. Its a really kickass phone btw, the only bad things about it is that they only have limited apps, and you can’t unlock and use it outside the states… So….
I bought another tour phone for me.. And then lastly I purchased an onyx 1.. Used it for 2 years,yay! Dangg now I can’t remember what happened with my gemini.. Really.. Well.. Can you count how many blackberry pins I have changed before?
Its not finished yet thou, when I got back to indo, I changed my onyx into a gemini 3g, but then its kinda shitty cause the keypad was too clicky and I couldn’t be freely typing and stuff, you know.. Lol.. I changed it, and now I’m taking my brother’s phone till now… Is that it?? We’ll see soon.. :p
I really have to think now where the hell is my last gemini… Geez I think I sold it to the chinese store in tampa…

November 16, 2011

Autumn in Barcelona

My finger is freezing.. So I might not able to type as many as I wanted to..
Its a kinda shitty day in barcelona.. Rain keeps stop and go since a few days ago.. Honestly my laundry were hanging outside for days, and I don’t even mind to take them in.. lol.. Like I have my own natural fragrance, no?
I’m saying things like that just because I’m new here.. I heard that up there in other countries are even shittier than here.. Well I’m from a tropical country, what do you expect? :p
This post is my first test.. Cause since I just downloaded this wordpress free app for my blackberry, worth to try..🙂 yaaayyy.. I will try to keep it on since I always move backwards from my other blog..😦 how I wanted to share my experiences and stories here, for the world to see..

Abuela's Paella

this is the first paella that i tasted in spain.. the best looking so far from what i’ve seen in other restaurants.. i dont even want to waste my money to buy paella outside cause for me abuela’s paella is the best ! =)
paella is a traditional dish from spain.. it’s pretty simple to make it and it’s really tasty as well, consider how many seafood you put inside, yummm… i still haven’t got the tradicional recipe yet from abuela, but google might be the best option so far to get some recipes =)
i’m craving for moooooreeeeee !!